full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Katherine Maher: What Wikipedia teaches us about balancing truth and beliefs

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I think about our lack of urgent action on ctamile chgnae. We've known for a very long time now about the negative iamptcs of man-made carbon in the atmosphere. But ... [the] implications of that data challenge our identities, our irdtinsues, our communities in ways that have led and created resistance and even disinformation, and the resulting public debates about the tturh of climate change have prevented us from taking specific and concrete actions that could mitigate the harms to us around rising seas, increasingly deadly waves of heat and cold and powerful sotrm stmyess.

Open Cloze

I think about our lack of urgent action on _______ ______. We've known for a very long time now about the negative _______ of man-made carbon in the atmosphere. But ... [the] implications of that data challenge our identities, our __________, our communities in ways that have led and created resistance and even disinformation, and the resulting public debates about the _____ of climate change have prevented us from taking specific and concrete actions that could mitigate the harms to us around rising seas, increasingly deadly waves of heat and cold and powerful _____ _______.


  1. storm
  2. industries
  3. climate
  4. impacts
  5. truth
  6. systems
  7. change

Original Text

I think about our lack of urgent action on climate change. We've known for a very long time now about the negative impacts of man-made carbon in the atmosphere. But ... [the] implications of that data challenge our identities, our industries, our communities in ways that have led and created resistance and even disinformation, and the resulting public debates about the truth of climate change have prevented us from taking specific and concrete actions that could mitigate the harms to us around rising seas, increasingly deadly waves of heat and cold and powerful storm systems.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
minimum viable 3
viable truth 3
reasonable person 2
personal truths 2
climate change 2
productive friction 2
clear rules 2
moving fast 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
minimum viable truth 3

Important Words

  1. action
  2. actions
  3. atmosphere
  4. carbon
  5. challenge
  6. change
  7. climate
  8. cold
  9. communities
  10. concrete
  11. created
  12. data
  13. deadly
  14. debates
  15. disinformation
  16. harms
  17. heat
  18. identities
  19. impacts
  20. implications
  21. increasingly
  22. industries
  23. lack
  24. led
  25. long
  26. mitigate
  27. negative
  28. powerful
  29. prevented
  30. public
  31. resistance
  32. resulting
  33. rising
  34. seas
  35. specific
  36. storm
  37. systems
  38. time
  39. truth
  40. urgent
  41. waves
  42. ways